Landing page designs for inspiration

We have put together some of the great landing page designs for your inspiration. Some of the landing pages uses opt-in form or lead capture form and some landing pages are without opt-in/lead capture form. If you want to get landing pages to be designed to improve conversion rate or inquiry rate you may Contact Us with project details.

Customer's Requirements
Need landing page for visitors to possibly double opt in for more information on discounted preview vacations. They have to consent to be contacted with offers for discounted vacation accommodations in exchange for 90-120 minutes of their time. If $139 package doesn’t offer double opt in feature then please get them to fill out form and submit form details…
Click Here if you are looking for landing page to be designed to improve your conversion rate.

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Customer’s ideas for his landing page
Need a landing page to improve my conversion rate. I want image of nice car, nice home and nice travel destinations. Color to be use are blue, white and red. Call to action statement is “Get your financial freedom Now!!”
Click Here if you are looking for landing page to be designed to improve your conversion rate.

Ideas for landing page
We're a software company and would like to redesign the "Features" page of our website, http://startagroupbuyDOTcom/features.

We would like to have a design similar to this page (top-to-bottom instead of left to right): http://www.appleDOTcom/iphone/features/

We have the text and would like you to come up with the images. The images should contain some screenshots of our software: http://demoDOTstartagroupbuyDOTcom
Click Here if you are looking for landing page to be designed to improve your conversion rate.

Ideas for landing page
The design is for a website selling artificial hymens. The URL of the website is artificialhymensDOTcom It is a feminine product.

The closest competitor to that website is http://hymenshopDOTcom
I would like the design to have a header and footer like this website:
( I really like the ribbon w/ the words "it's our secret" on it, and would love for that to be included in the design.) I also really like the footer of that website with the pink and swirly designs. I do not want there to be a sidebar for the design.
I like the body design and layout of this landing page template:
The design should be feminine and classy.
Click Here if you are looking for landing page to be designed to improve your conversion rate.

Need a landing page with Click a button to make a purchase. My call to action statement is “Something along the line of Get this exclusive savings now…”
This will be residential driven… customers will get 1 year of unlimited service for only $179.99. A 50% savings

Free features include: Caller ID, Call Waiting, Voicemail etc… the list can be found at Follow our sites color scheme Need it to be vibrant and exciting. We are looking for new customers that are looking to save money.

Need a landing page with lead generation form. Lead generation fields. Name, Address, email, phone. My call to action statement is “MOS / MCAS Training - Microsoft Office - Hands-On Classes in Tempe, AZ”
Would like to see logos of excel, Word, Powerpoint, and Acess. Adult students working on a pc in a classroom.

Click Here if you want to see more samples


  1. Download 2 more free landing page design from

  2. All the designs and ideas posted are good. If a landing page is designed properly it helps in increasing the conversion rate. Thank you for all these excellent design ideas.
    increase landing page conversion

  3. contoh web desain landing page yang efektif untuk membantu Anda memahami elemen penting dalam menciptakan halaman yang menarik dan mengundang pengunjung untuk berinteraksi.

    Manfaat membuat landing page memungkinkan Anda untuk melacak dan menganalisis kinerja kampanye pemasaran secara lebih terperinci, sehingga Anda dapat mengidentifikasi area yang perlu ditingkatkan.

    Fungsi utama dari landing page adalah menyajikan penawaran produk atau layanan secara jelas kepada pengunjung.
